IMOB23 – 2nd International Meeting on Optical Biosensors
23-25 August 2023, Uppsala, Sweden
IMOB23 - A Marcus Wallenberg symposium
The program consists of a mix of longer and shorter talks in thematic sessions. Some of the short talks will be selected from submitted abstracts. There will also be poster sessions.
Day 1, Aug 23
11.00 Registration opens, poster mounting
12.00 Lunch
13.00 Welcome address: Anders Tengholm, Olof Idevall-Hagren
Keynote lecture Chair: Anders Tengholm
13.10 Tobias Meyer Polarization of signaling in directed cell migration
Session 1: Development in fluorescent proteins and labels
Chair: Oliver Griesbeck
13.50 Kai Johnsson Recording physiological history of cells with chemical labeling
14.20 Lina El Hajji Engineering near-infrared fluorescent chemogenetic reporters for imaging and sensing processes in living cells and organisms (O1)
14.35 Short break
14.50 Dorus Gadella New brilliant red fluorescent proteins developed from mScarlet
15.20 Helen Farrants Near-infrared chemigenetic calcium indicators for functional imaging in living animals (O2)
15.35 Coffee break
Session 2: Visualizing processes in living cells, tissues and organs
Chairs: Juan Llopis and Mary Teruel
16.30 Gary Yellen Watching metabolism happen in living cells and tissues, with quantitative tools
17.00 Kjetil Andressen Spatial signalling of natriuretic peptides regulating cardiomyocyte contractility and apoptosis revealed by high affinity biosensors for cGMP
17.20 Bart Jongbloets Visualizing neuromodulator-mediated PKA dynamics in hippocampal inhibitory neurons (O3)
17.35 Peter Dedecker Light-responsive probes and biosensors for more informative imaging
18.05 Short break
18.25 Tommaso Patriarchi Next-generation genetically-encoded indicators for neuromodulators
18.45 Sandrine Pouvreau Spatial analysis of mitochondrial function in astrocytes using lattice light sheet microscopy (o4)
19.00 Mia Phillipson Fates and functions of macrophages during tissue restoration following injury
19.20 Yumi Konagaya (Ida) A state of partial Rb-E2F activation safeguards proliferation commitment (o5)
19:35 Mingle dinner and posters
21:30 End of day 1
Day 2, Aug 24
Keynote lecture Chair: Franck Riquet
09.00 Jin Zhang Illuminating the biochemical activity architecture of the cell
Session 3: Optical manipulation of cell behavior
Chairs: Sebastian Barg and Ilaria Testa
09.40 Andreas Möglich Light-dependent Control of RNA Activity
10.10 Tatsuki Tsuruoka Optogenetic control of p53 signaling pathway (O6)
10.25 Onur Dagliyan Engineered control of protein activity in living cells and animals
10.45 Pierre Vincent Biosensor imaging to reveal the specificities of cAMP/PKA signal integration in the striatum (O7)
11.00 Coffee break
11.30 Dagmar Wachten Shedding light on ciliary signaling and function
12.00 Dejan Kovacevic Visualization and analysis of extracellular ATP on primary T cells (O8)
12.15 Anton Sabantsev Spatiotemporally controlled generation of NTPs as a versatile tool for single-molecule studies
12.35 Mary Teruel Activation and delayed inactivation of ERK and CDK coordinates the adipogenesis program (O9)
12:50 Lunch and posters
Session 4: Fluorescence imaging for drug discovery
Chair: Olof Idevall
14.10 May Morris Fluorescent peptide and protein biosensors for probing and targeting kinases in cancer: applications for diagnostics and drug discovery
14.40 Michael Courtney Optical biosensor-based single-cell dynamic phenotyping reveals rare responses and clarifies mechanisms of off-target drug effects (O10)
14.55 Olov Andersson In vivo drug discovery for pancreatic b-cell regeneration in zebrafish
15.15 Juan Llopis Calcium physiology and pathophysiology in the heart of zebrafish larvae with ratiometric biosensors (O11)
15.30 Kees Jalink Pooled dynamic FLIM screening identifies novel signaling pathway in mechanosensitivity (O12)
15:45- Coffee and posters
18:30 Group photo and dinner at the Botanical Garden
Day 3, Aug 25
Session 5: New developments in imaging methodology and image analysis
Chair: Kees Jalink
09.00 Liangyi Chen Quantitative, holistic, and general superresolution live-cell imaging: from structured illumination microscopy to the sparse deconvolution algorithm
09.30 Ilaria Testa Dynamics of proteins at the nanoscale enabled by reversibly protein photo-switching: from RESOLFT to STARSS
10:00 Coffee break
10:30 Carolina Wählby Image analysis and AI in microscopy-based life science research
11:00 Hana Valenta Per-pixel unmixing of spectrally overlapping fluorophores (O13)
Keynote lecture Chair: Anders Tengholm
11.15 Carsten Schultz FRET-based sensors for measuring mono- and poly-ADP ribosylation in intact cells
12:00 End of meeting, lunch and farewell
With contribution from
Academic Conferences
Box 7059
750 07 Uppsala, Sweden
Phone: + 46 (0) 18 67 10 03
Important dates
March - Registration opens
March - Abstract submission opens
30 June - Deadline for abstract submissions
15 July - Registration closes
Organised by
Anders Tengholm
Olof Idevall